In 2010 the Scottish Government introduced the Designing Streets policy that puts place and people before the movement of motor vehicles. Subsequently a National Roads Development Guide was created to assist developers with the technical aspect of street design.
However, given the unique character of North Ayrshire with its coastal towns, rural areas and islands we sought to develop a street design guide that will be supplementary to the National Roads Development Guide. The Supplementary Street Design Guide (SSDG) will replace the existing North Ayrshire Roads Development Guide and is aimed at assisting developers to meet the requirements of designing streets within North Ayrshire.
North Ayrshire Council’s new SSDG has now been drafted and is available for stakeholder consultation. The new guide takes account of national and regional policies and guides, analysis and feedback received during the initial consultation.
The new guide provides guidance on street design principles and technical standards for residential areas in North Ayrshire. The guide sets out a hierarchy of use for streets with needs of pedestrians and cyclists being prioritised.
The guide aims to promote sustainable streets through design that will encourage high-quality environments.
The guide is intended to provide guidance on how to create a street, construction details, construction consent procedure and adoption process, and provide clear sign posting to other guidance documents including ‘Designing Streets’.
Supplementary Street Development Guide for Consultation
Draft North Ayrshire Supplementary Street Design Guide
Draft SSDG Appendix A - Development Assessment Form
Draft SSDG Appendix B - Variations From National Roads Development Guide
Draft SSDG Appendix C - Consenting and Adopting
Draft SSDG Appendix D - Speed Reduction Measures
Draft SSDG Appendix E - Street Lighting Requirements
Draft SSDG Appendix F - Drawings pack for Standard Construction Details
Draft SSDG Appendix F - Standard Construction Details
Draft SSDG Appendix G - Construction Standards and Materials
Draft SSDG Appendix H - Drainage and SuDs
Draft SSDG Appendix I - Parking Standards
What we need from you
The consultation period is now closed.
What happens next
The consultation period ended on Sunday 11th February 2024. Once the comments have been reviewed and relevant changes made to the SSDG we will present the guide to the Council for approval and subsequent adoption.
Links to key documents
Designing Streets: A Policy Statement for Scotland - (
Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland - (